Colten Jones Reptile Breeder

According to HSSA, Colten Jones despicably took in 323 small animals under the pretense of a rescue. Jones blatantly lied stating the animals were adopted out when in fact he was asking people to help kill them for reptile food.  Jones is a responsible as a partner in the theft of 323 animals stolen by Christian Gonzalez from HSSA and is responsible for 260+ missing animals that are presumed dead.
News article – text is dated 8/8/23 the day after Gonzalez transferred 323 animals to Jones.

Asking for help to kill the rescue animals
Statement of admission

Fertile Turtle is Colten Jones – Willow Tree Exotics is his girlfriend Morgan Muehlhausen

Sells Live & Frozen feeders
Little baby victims
Breeding baby bunnies
More babies

Fertile Turtle

Colten’s girlfriend/Co-Owner of Fertile Turtle